Sunday, August 2, 2009

Award Time: Honest Scrap (and more)

Neil Fulwood of the esteemed Agitation of the Mind blog has listed me among his nominees for the "Honest Scrap" award, an honor he's recently and deservedly received himself. He actually got a bundle of award logos all at once to pass along, but Honest Scrap is the one I like. Maybe it's a self-esteem thing. Anyway, here's my shiny new award.

The custom is to pass it on. Yeah, it's kinda like a chain letter, but the opportunity lets me bring more attention to deserving bloggers, so here goes:

The Cathode Ray Mission

Goodfella's Movie Blog

Greenbriar Picture Shows

Twenty-Four Frames

Where Danger Lives

Tell 'em Uncle Sam sent you.

Update: I've since learned that one of the awards Neil tapped me for was also bestowed on me by J. Astro, whose generosity with this honor belies the title of his way-cool Cheap Bin blog. So to acknowledge the joint honor, I'll also display this particular badge:

Shall I recommend more blogs? Well, take a look to the right at that blogroll. They're all there for a reason, and just about all of them deserve some sort of award. Well, Think 3 probably doesn't, but the rest? They're all good.


  1. You know Samuel, somehow I like the spirit behind this award more than the 'Dardos' which were too serious. Both Hohn and Dave are most worthy recipients too!

  2. John, you're welcome! Your acceptance speech was hilarious.

  3. Thanks sir, I appreciate it!
