Thursday, March 17, 2011

Michael Gough (1916 - 2011)

Sad news today for genre film fans. The actor once known for his scenery-chewing villainy in numerous British horror and sci-films (Konga, Horrors of the Black Museum, etc.), whose image mellowed into that of Batman's wise old butler in four films, has passed away at a great and venerable age. Gough was present close to the creation of Hammer Horror as a supporting player in Terrence Fisher's (Horror of) Dracula and was a fixture in the English genre for more than twenty years thereafter. He remained creatively associated with Tim Burton until just last year, when he contributed a voice to Alice in Wonderland, and he made it before the end into the latest edition of David Thomson's Biographical Dictionary of Film. Gough was an instantly memorable figure who'll be just as immediately missed by his many fans around the world.


  1. You'll be missed! :'(
    My friend created a memorial for Michael Gough, please leave a message for him.

  2. I never realized Michael was in his mid-90's, but I salute you Samuel for honoring his memory here. I do well remember his turn in HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM, and in the 1962 version of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, but of course more especially as Arthur in THE HORROR OF DRACULA. And that's telling that Thomson thinks that much of him.

    R.I.P. He has a great run.

  3. The obits I've read also note that Mr. Gough also appeared on Dr. Who back in the day, well before the Tom Baker era, I believe. He will be missed.
