Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Now Playing: MAY 23, 1962.

More cool ad design for Last of the Vikings, this time in Nashua, NH:

And some nice alternative ad art for Burn, With Burn! from Salt Lake City. Note the added attraction of a "de-witching ceremony." Wouldn't that leave you without a movie?

Let's take that dare and look into Doctor Blood's Coffin. The trailer was uploaded to YouTube by mirkodamian.

Also in Salt Lake, Hammer's Captain Clegg sneaks into the country under an assumed name.

Here's my review of "Night Creatures." The incongruous companion feature is a Universal release from the previous October and on this evidence a rather sexist service comedy. There's no evidence online to contradict me, but maybe somebody somewhere remembers this fondly....


  1. In the next batch of ads I'm posting, apparently, there was some kind of "Shock Endurance" test you had to pass in the lobby before being allowed to see Hammer's THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN OF THE HIMALAYAS.

  2. Where's all that showmanship these days? Online, I suppose, but it's not the same.
