You could argue that West's approach is too low-key to be a true Eighties homage if you identify the decade and the genre with cartoonish killers. This film's head menace is Tom Noonan, who's menacing because of his age, his height, and his history as an actor, but also, paradoxically, of how soft-spoken he is and how fragile he seems. He's professorial in manner and the type of person you could believe is at least some sort of obsessive character. Again, West takes time filming Noonan's scenes with Donahue, letting his creepiness sink in gradually after an already creepy first impression. He has you feeling pretty certain that Samantha is making a terrible mistake staying over, no matter how much money Mr. Ulman offers her, but since he's also established why Samantha needs the money so badly, you don't automatically condemn her as stupid, even if Megan does. If you're watching the film in the first place you have an idea of what's in store for Samantha, but West and Donahue have made her enough of a sympathetic character that you want her to survive the night.
For me The House of the Devil is a big improvement on West's last auteur effort, the sniper thriller Trigger Man. That film struck me as pretty pointless, while the new film is more focused and more effective. To the extent that Trigger Man was a gore showcase, House matches it pretty well with one especially nasty gun-damage scene and plenty of bloodshed during Samantha's showdown with the devil's housemates. Some of the action wasn't as convincing as it could have been (Samantha gets loose from her bonds too easily at one point), and the climax has to stretch to reach the desired evil-wins ending, but overall it's an effective little film with enough heart to make it genuinely horrific. Despite the period music, it struck me as more like a Seventies horror than an Eighties effort -- but that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
I liked this one too! I agree that it seems like an 70's horror flick, much like the Hammer Wheatly adaptations in a contemporary setting. It's nice to see a director rely on suspense and not the gruesome payoff.
I just watched this one last night myself, Sam. I enjoyed it and thought it had a few goosebump inducing sequences.
I loved it. Excellent parallel with the Tarantino in the sense of build-up, and an interesting point that it's closer to 70's horror than to 80's. But th ebottom line is that this one is terrifying, and even rates above Raimi's DRAG ME TO HELL, which was last year's other classy horror film.
The film's main virtue is that while it's an homage or a pastiche, it plays scrupulously straight, without winks or nudges that I could detect. It spooks us successfully because it maintains such a mundane level otherwise. Thanks for writing, folks.
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