So how does that happen? The trailer for this British sci-fi may clue us in, thanks to Classic Movie Trailers.
And here's more British sci-fi, of a sort, opening in Lawrence KS.
No trailer online for this 1960 comedy,nor for the American service-comedy co-feature, alas.
Meanwhile, the latest Twist movie opens in Ocala FL
Louis Prima isn't my first idea of a Twist artist, but he's the producer so what he says goes.
On the opposite of a lighter note, William Wyler's remake of his own 1936 picture These Three opens nationally this week. Here's an ad from Miami.
What's this "too evil to be false" accusation? Hint: It's the charge made in the original play by Lillian Hellman but not the charge made in These Three's bowdlerized version. And if there were such people as fanfiction writers in 1962, they'd have a field day with this one. But to give Wyler credit, this is definitely an interesting choice to follow up Ben-Hur with. And maybe if you watch the trailer uploaded by Hippiemans you'll figure out the "mature nature of its theme."
Finally for today, because I so love the artwork,another manifestation of The Head, this time in Spartanburgh SC. Just be sure to read the fine print before going to the drive-in.
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